How To Be Safe Once Investment Is Made?
The primary problem faced by investors is the decision on whether to
repurchase or not. If they decide to repurchase, next question arises
which is how long should they repurchase. A logic answer to both is if
you are joining a pretty new website, you may repurchase for a month or two. If the age of website is over an year and is paying 1%+, you may limit the days of repurchase and would get the seed back as fast as possible. The step is to make sure that no future issues being faced by the website affect your money. If you feel safe to repurchase, repurchase as far as you wish.
Always connect with someone who has the knowledge of these websites. Having no partner or a good guide is one of the main reason why people fail to get any profits from these websites. If you start to make profits, don’t dump your guide. Try to be loyal to him/her as far as possible. If you feel you have enough knowledge, start to make referrals and be in contact with them and discuss the future of his investments.
Every investment website would have a group in FB where admins itself updates once in a week or so. Always try to be a part of the group to know the recent updates. A single update can make you lose the cash. If admins start to create problems or delaying things, that’s a red mark and if you care about your money, it’s the time to start the withdrawals. The usual issues admins says are
- Website migrations that take more than 4 days to get completed
- PayPal processor freezing. Once it’s frozen, the program has almost no future. Sometimes admin makes up such stories for scamming.
- Payza processor freezing. Payza rarely limits an account and it happens usually when the admin is withdrawing a lot of money from his account instead of paying out. An another reason is excess number of disputes.
- Website script issues. Issues that doesn’t get solved even after a week itself is a red mark. First of all, these happen only with cheap scripts.
- Advertisement sales went down which is followed by a reduction in daily ROI. Once it happens, 90% chance is for the collapse of the program if the admin doesn’t try his best.
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